Library Automation and Digital Archive
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

Pencarian Sederhana

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Call Number SEM-352
Collection Type Indeks Artikel prosiding/Sem
Title Validity system design for land title deed bases mobile web (A case study at BPN Kubu Raya) A-67 - A-71
Author Ade Hendini, Eri Bayu Pratama, Heru Setiawan;
Publisher Proceeding international seminar on scientific issues and trends (issit) 2013 "reforming transparency and accountability through development of e-gofernment" october 26th, 2013 academy of bina sarana informatika
Lokasi : Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Nomor Panggil ID Koleksi Status
Tidak ada review pada koleksi ini: 45128
Humans can receive information anytime, anywere and receive whatever information they want. the information should not be obtained with difficulty, they won't to get it at the expense of time, effort and expense that may not be little. so many people always want to get information easily and practically. information technology has changed the way we live four our lives and also change the mindset of society. the benefits of information technology would have been felt by every individual in the community and provide benefits that are not limited to people who have access to information technology. information technologi is allowing us to do things easily, faster, and better. E-Government (elektronik government) is an information technology to help users of the system of government that was more efficient performance. it is not independent of the use of the internet network facilities. to apply of some existing services in government agencies of information and communications submitted by the government to the people is done trough the internet.information technology through the internet, the whole process or procedure performed sooner in accordance with the procedures and rules that have been established. this application can provide accurate information on land ownership anytime and anywere quickly. with web-based mobile application course is very practical because it can be viewed using a mobile phone.