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Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

Pencarian Sederhana

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Penerbit IEEE Indonesia Section
Pengarang M. Octaviano Pratama;
Judul Artikel Kidney transplant classification with gene expression profiles using L1 feature selection ensemble classifier based on data cluestering. Hal 239-243
Nama Prosiding ICACSIS 2017 Internalnational conference on advanced computer science and information system
Abstrak English Abstract- Gene expression profiles can be extracted from DNA in order to obtain revelant information related to kidney transplant. Successful kidney transplant from donor to patient depends on the fitness of booth kidneys, so more and more study shoukd be conducted particularly in kidney transplant classification is large amount of genes data from various samples. In the researcg, we demontrate L1 feature selection ensemble classifier based on data clustering to select informative genes in order to classify gene expression profiles. After classification on data clustering, ensemble classifier produces 97% overall accuracy with precision, recall, F-Test and kappa coefficient reaches 95.7%,91.3%,93.5%,90.3% respectively.
Kata Kunci Kidney transplant, L1 Feature selection, ensemble classifier, data cluestering.
Tahun 2017
No. Panggil SEM-372
Lokasi : Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Nomor Panggil ID Koleksi Status
Tidak ada review pada koleksi ini: 47289
Abstract- Gene expression profiles can be extracted from DNA in order to obtain revelant information related to kidney transplant. Successful kidney transplant from donor to patient depends on the fitness of booth kidneys, so more and more study shoukd be conducted particularly in kidney transplant classification is large amount of genes data from various samples. In the researcg, we demontrate L1 feature selection ensemble classifier based on data clustering to select informative genes in order to classify gene expression profiles. After classification on data clustering, ensemble classifier produces 97% overall accuracy with precision, recall, F-Test and kappa coefficient reaches 95.7%,91.3%,93.5%,90.3% respectively.