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Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

Pencarian Sederhana

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Call Number PA-0131 (Softcopy 0131)
Collection Type Proyek Akhir (PA)
Title Perancangan Infrastruktur Adaptif berbasis Service Oriented Architecture dan Electronic data Interchange pada Indonesia National Single Windows
Author Agung Erwan Setyobudi;
Publisher Jakarta : Pascasarjana MTI, 2007
Subject National Single WIndow, Service Oriented Architecture; Adaptive
Lokasi : Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Nomor Panggil ID Koleksi Status
PA-0131 (Softcopy 0131) TERSEDIA
Tidak ada review pada koleksi ini: 21692
According to ASEAN agreement to implement Single Window, 6 main member of ASEAN including Indonesia have commited to establish ASW (ASEAN Single Window) by 2008. ASW is single integrated environment of custom release and customs clearance at any entry point of ASEAN, that maximise transactions electronically. As preparation of ASW implementation, each member should implement NSW (National Single Window). At NSW there are six major areas: customs, other government agencies, banking and insurance agency, transport community, trading community and ASEAN / International Link. There are modifications to simplify the existing business deocument. The goal is to ease and fasten the import and export process, that will take Indonesian economy to move forward. Inftrastructure consider to be the main comonent of NSW. Because in NSW, integration of information system is a must. With variety of existing information system and architecture that will involve, adaptive infrastructure will be the solution of this requirements. This final project provides analysis and design of adaptive infrastructure to support and fasten the integration. Architecture will use SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) and EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) as main technology. The condition of existing information system , ASEAN recommendation and technology trend are the major consideration to choose this technology. Keyword: National Single WIndow, Service Oriented Architecture, Adaptive