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Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

Pencarian Sederhana

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Call Number PA-0143 (Softcopy PA-0143)
Collection Type Proyek Akhir (PA)
Title Perencanaan strategis sistem informasi studi kasus Departemen Luar Negeri RI
Author Yusuf Eka Saputra;
Publisher Jakarta : Pascasarjana MTI, 2008
Subject Strategic Planning of Information System, Electronic Government
Lokasi : Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Nomor Panggil ID Koleksi Status
PA-0143 (Softcopy PA-0143) TERSEDIA
Tidak ada review pada koleksi ini: 25462
Departemen of Foreign Affair of the Republic of Indonesia is one the vital indonesian government institution to do diplomatic mission. But until now, Dept. of Foregin affair has not using maximum ability of IS/IT to support their mission. Because of that this paper will to try to make use of IS/IT as the driver to achieve Dept of Foreign affair goal and mission by inventing the strategic planning of information system that is fit and appropriate for Departemen of Foreign Affair of the Republic of Indonesia. Planning is conducting by using methodology from Ward and Peppard, SISP Framework. The methodology uses a general pattern analysis approach to look at the relationships among all of the planning “core elements” as well as the strategic goals and objectives. To complement the result we are comparing different strategic information system planning from various govenrment agency in the state and abroad to find a generic pattern in building IS/IT document. The result of the research is some application portfolio that has strategic and potential value to the Departemen of Foreign Affair of the Republic of Indonesia as guideline to develop their IS/IT. Another result is the need for upgrading their IT unit to a higher level so they have more power and strenght to enforce IS/IT policy in Departemen of Foreign Affair of the Republic of Indonesia Keywords: Strategic Planning of Information System, Electronic Government xii + 162 pages; 12 figures; 38 tables; 1 attachments Bibliography 75 (1982-2005)