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Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

Pencarian Sederhana

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Call Number PA-0144 (Softcopy PA-0144)
Collection Type Proyek Akhir (PA)
Title Analisa network traffic monitoring sebagai acuan capacity planning infrastruktur 3G Value added service studi kasus sebuah operator seluler
Author Mohammad Alfa Wirakoswara;
Publisher Jakarta : Pascasarjana MTI, 2008
Subject Capacity Planning, Network Management System, Value Added Services, Information Technology Infrastructure Library.
Lokasi : Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Nomor Panggil ID Koleksi Status
PA-0144 (Softcopy PA-0144) TERSEDIA
Tidak ada review pada koleksi ini: 25463
3G is third generation standard in wireless communication technology enabling quicker speed with bigger capacities in data communication. Presence of this new technology standard enables creation of new services for communications business. One of cellular operator in Indonesia, PT. JKL, has obtained license to using 3G network and services. Besides provided two directions communications as given operator main service, VAS (Value Added Services) in 3G standard also presented. In supply of the service requires observation ability and maintenance carefully. Based on the matter, the writing study project has purpose to be reached is analyse level of ability from 3G VAS IT infrastructure especially for Video Streaming service which can be needed to infrastructure optimization and expansion, currently and for the future needs besides to keep availability level and quality of service continually. For its implementations use data traffic analysis with management capacity methodologies in ITIL framework (Information Tecnology Infrastructure Library) with help of the application of Network Management System that pro active to analyse level of usage of service swiftly and precise. Expected with the applying, can determine expansion the infrastructure more easy. Keyword: Capacity Planning, Network Management System, Value Added Services, Information Technology Infrastructure Library.