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Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

Pencarian Sederhana

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Call Number T-0895 (Softcopy T-0549)
Collection Type Tesis
Title Implementasi business intelligence untuk pengenalan pola bisnis di Daerah Jakarta Selatan
Author Arthur Salomo Hamonangan Gultom;
Publisher Jakarta: Pascasarjana MTI UI, 2009
Subject Business intelligence--Case studies; Information Tehchnology
Lokasi : Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Nomor Panggil ID Koleksi Status
T-0895 (Softcopy T-0549) TERSEDIA
Tidak ada review pada koleksi ini: 28888

ABSTRACT Name : Arthur Salomo Hamonangan Gultom Study Program : Magister Teknologi Informasi Title : Implementation of Business Intelligence to Recognize Business Pattern in South Jakarta Application of information technology becomes a valuable item in the current society due to it can help to relief the burden of work. For example the work in the business competition. With more and varied types of growing businesses today, it is needed to make decision based on data, information and knowledge. The data is converted into information and knowledge then processed by the Business Intelligence to provide business choices. This research examined the application of Business Intelligence for business pattern recognition. Business Intelligence used is Eclipse BIRT. The data used is Geographic Information System (GIS) and business data. Various data is classified by the method of Fuzzy C Means. The Classification result is types of businesses such as consulting services, construction, and others. Classification results then combined with population GIS solutions to obtained business choices ranked by the percentage of business types electable level in South Jakarta area. There are several factors that can affect business pattern such as venture capital, corporate profit per years, people's income level, location of the company, the level of population density, and age composition and education. 4 districts selected randomly in the area of South Jakarta, Tebet District with the potential business is Consulting Services, Pancoran District with construction, Setiabudi District with the others, and Cilandak district with other services. Kata Kunci : Business Inteliigence, Data mining, GIS xiv + 115 pages; 54 figures; 14 tables; 6 attachments