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Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

Pencarian Sederhana

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Collection Type Indeks Artikel prosiding/Sem
Title Rural comminities' information needs and 'portal desa' template. hal, 100
Author Huda Ibrahim, Nor Iadah Yusop, Zahurin Mat Aji, Zulkhairi Md Dahalin, osman Ghazali, Shafiz Affendi Mohd Yusof, Mohd Nizam Saad, Mohamad Amir Abu Seman, Azman yasin, Modh Khairudin Kasiran, Rafidah Abd Razak.;
Publisher Proceedings of international conference on rural information and communication technology 2009, ITB 17-18 Juni 2009
Subject Information needs, ICT applications, rural community, portal design
Lokasi : Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Nomor Panggil ID Koleksi Status
Tidak ada review pada koleksi ini: 42685
This paper presents the findings based on a study conducted in the states of kedah and perlis in the information needs of rural communities. a total of 12 vilages in both states have participated in the study. the selection of the village was made according to four economic sectors, namely fishery, paddy, palm oil and rubber. fieldworks were carried out involving surveys, interview and observation. the findings show that the types of information about business, career opportunity, education, health, and ICT. the study then used this information as a basis to design templates of 'portal desa' for each economic sector. the portal will function not only as an information gateway for varieties of information related to business, education, and health, but also as a channel for the rural communities to share with the world regarding information of their communities, activites, cultures, and local product.