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Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

Pencarian Sederhana

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Call Number SEM-354
Collection Type Indeks Artikel prosiding/Sem
Title Attending
Author Jin Kuan Kok, Chee Men Lim, Sew Kim low;
Publisher 2011 international conference on social science and humanity february 26-28, 2011 singapore volume 1 proceedings (ICSSH)
Subject Keywords-cmponent; metaphor, metaphors in counselling, changes in counselling, Malaysian students counseling experience.
Lokasi : Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
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Tidak ada review pada koleksi ini: 44529
the constant comparison approach developed by strauss and combin. The findings showed that metaphors reveal the contextualized culture of the clients, which, in this study, is contemporary Malaysian university life. The metaphors discovered illustrate students’ struggles with university work and interpersonal relations, and are closely related to sensations and bodily action, influenced by the contem Abstract-The study of metaphor has evolved from a purely rhetoric and semantic approach to a more functional realm related to language, thoughst and actions. Research into social sciences. This is a qualitative research designed to investigate how metaphor, initiated by the clients, is used in a counselling setting and how metaphors promote behavioural changes. The sampling includes 68 participants who were doing counselling practicum training. Obserrservations and discourse analysis methods were employed. Discovery of themes followed the constant comparison approach developed by strauss and cobin. The findings showed that metaphors reveal the contextualizet culture of the cliens, which, in this study, is contemporary Malaysian university life. the metaphors discovered illustrate students’ struggles with university work and interpersonal relations, and are closely related to sensantions and bodily action, influenced by the contemporary culture. Multiple meanings aspect is di scussed and the factors that promoted change are analyzed. Keywords –component; metaphors in counselling, changes in counselling, Malaysian students counselling experience.