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Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

Pencarian Sederhana

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Call Number SEM-354
Collection Type Indeks Artikel prosiding/Sem
Title Black hole theory:harmony in plurality,Founding new Theory as pantheistic in postmodern plurality and its implies for strategic planning in educational systems of developing countries
Author Majid Hamdani1, Rio Sumarni Bte Sharifudin2, Alireza Gharbaghi3;
Publisher 2011 international conference on social science and humanity february 26-28, 2011 singapore volume 1 proceedings (ICSSH)
Lokasi : Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Nomor Panggil ID Koleksi Status
Tidak ada review pada koleksi ini: 44590
Abstract- A great protion of developing countries are situated in Asia. These countries attempt to access advances in their prosess toward developing by different institutions that mediating in this transition from undeveloped to developed positions. There is no doubt that education, as one of the most important components of social institutions, plays a major role in social, economical, technological and cultural advaries. Nowadays, a majority of educational systems are influenced by modernism thoughts that focus upon rationalism and positivism philosophy that initate developed countries. These philosophies and their implication in education are basically underlining the humanism rationality and meta-narrative as a method and principle for educational activities. The whole activities of modernism end in globalization. In contrary to modernism thought, there is different philosophy that has been emerged in recent decdes that named postmodernism. This critical thought characterized by some features like pluralism and negating meta-narratives. Postmodernism philosophy has important implications in conformity with qualities of developing countries toward founding new generation of thoughts in educational systems. It will lead these systems to focus on the plurality and ecological qualitifications. Base on this trend, postmodernism suggest the word and theory of glocalization. This paper is an insight intro postmodernism to found new and profound theory that named black hole by current authors. The black hole leads to the cubical systems that emerge from social, local and cultural context. Keywords- black hole theory, postmodernism, glocalization strategic planning, educational system