Library Automation and Digital Archive
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

Pencarian Sederhana

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Penerbit Medan: STMIK Potensi Utama, 2011
Pengarang R. Efendi , Yos R. Beeh , Latubeesy , Indrastanti R. W.;
Judul Artikel Pembangunan Aplikasi Rekam Medis Dengan Pemanfaatan Interkoneksi Socket Api
Nama Prosiding Prosiding medan,25-26 februari 2011 konferensi nasional sistem informasi 20011 information system: bridging gap between theories and practices (KNSI)
Bahasa Eng
Abstrak Indonesia Windows Sockets API (Application Programming Interface) has funcation as interface for Sofware application conneted to network service, sepecially for TCP/IP on Wondows Operating System. Socket API is used in communication of medical records application to exchange information between server and client. Server is a specialized a connection request from a client. Server Application is activated by user login so that it can communicate with clients. After the server is active, medical records data is recorded. Keywords : Windows Sockets API, TCP/IP, middleware, Koneksi Client Server
Tahun 2011
No. Panggil SEM-356
Lokasi : Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
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