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Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

Pencarian Sederhana

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Call Number SEM-347
Collection Type Indeks Artikel prosiding/Sem
Title A rapid algorithm for mining fuzzy association rules, 543-547
Author Amir Ebrahimzadeh, Reza Sheibani;
Publisher Proceedings 2011 4th IEEE International Conference on computer science and information technology Juni 10-12, 2011 Chengdu, China (ICCSIT 2011)
Lokasi : Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Nomor Panggil ID Koleksi Status
Tidak ada review pada koleksi ini: 45318
Fuzzy association rules described by the natural language are well suited for the thinking of human subject and will help to increase the flexibility for supporting user in making decisions of designing the fuzzy systems. however, the efficiency of algorithms needs to be improved to handle real-world large datasets. in this paper, we present an efficient algorithm named fuzzy cluster-based (FCB) along with its parallel version named parallel fuzzy cluster-based (PFCB). the FCB method is to create cluster tables by scanning the database once, and then clustering the transaction records to the i-th cluster table, where the length of a record is i. moreover, the fuzzy large itemsets are generated by constrasts with the partial cluster tables. similarly, the PFCB method is to create cluster tables by scanning the database once, and then clustering the transaction records to the i-th cluster table. which is on the i-th processor, where the length of a record is i. moreover, the large itemsets are generated by contrasts with the partial cluster table. then, to calculate the fuzzy support of the candidate itemsets at each level, each processor calculate the support of the candidate itemsets in its own cluster and forwads the result to the coordinator. the final fuzzy support of the candidate itemsets, is then calculated from this results in the cooordinator. we have performed extensive experiments and compared the performance of our algorithms with two of the best existing algorithms.