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Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

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Pengarang Gregorius S. Budhi, Isa Irawan, Jani S. Natalia;
Judul Artikel Fuzzy Preference Relation Untuk Membantu Pengambilan Keputusan Multi-Criteria Pemilihan Supplier (hal 7-12)
Nama Prosiding Proceedings konferensi nasional sistem & informatika 2008 (KNS&I) INNA Sindhu beach hotel 15 November 2008
Bahasa indonesia
Abstrak English Suppliers are an important part for a company. Choosing the right supplier is a difficult task for the decision makers in a company, especially when there are many suppliers having the same quality. In order to solve that problem, an application has been developed to help choosing suppliers. This application uses fuzzy preference relation method for the calculation process. Inputs of this application are obtained form supplier election questionnaires privided by managers and directors. A rank of candidate suppliers is shown in the final result/output. With this application, it is easy to determine which supplier to be chosen and it doesn't take to much time. Besides, it also saves the criteria for each type of material. Keywords: Fuzzy Preference Relation, Decision Support System
Tahun 2008
No. Panggil SEM-370
Lokasi : Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Nomor Panggil ID Koleksi Status
Tidak ada review pada koleksi ini: 45890
Suppliers are an important part for a company. Choosing the right supplier is a difficult task for the decision makers in a company, especially when there are many suppliers having the same quality. In order to solve that problem, an application has been developed to help choosing suppliers. This application uses fuzzy preference relation method for the calculation process. Inputs of this application are obtained form supplier election questionnaires privided by managers and directors. A rank of candidate suppliers is shown in the final result/output. With this application, it is easy to determine which supplier to be chosen and it doesn't take to much time. Besides, it also saves the criteria for each type of material. Keywords: Fuzzy Preference Relation, Decision Support System