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Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

Pencarian Sederhana

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Call Number SEM-369
Collection Type Indeks Artikel prosiding/Sem
Title Discovery Of Meaning From Text (hal 21 - 24)
Author Ong Siou Chin, Narayanan Kulathuramaiyer, Alvin W. Yeo;
Publisher Satellite workshop on language artifical intelligence and computer science for natural processing applications (LAICS-NLP) October 19 2006
Lokasi : Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Nomor Panggil ID Koleksi Status
Tidak ada review pada koleksi ini: 45916
This paper proposes a novel method to disambiguate important words from a collection of documents. The hypothesis that underlies this approach is that there is a minimal set of senses that are significant in characterizing a context. We extend yarouwsky's one sense per discourse [13] further to a collection of related documents rather than a single document. We perform distributed clustering on a set of features representings each of the top ten categories of document in the reuters-21578 dataset. Groups of therms that have a similar therm distributional pattern across document were identified. Wordnet-based similarity measurement was then computed for terms within each cluster. An aggregation of the associations in wordnet that was employed to ascertain term similiarity within clusters has provided a means of identifying clusters' root senses.