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Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

Pencarian Sederhana

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Call Number SEM-368
Collection Type Indeks Artikel prosiding/Sem
Title Verificaton Of Harmonic Effects On Electrical Energy Measurements Accuracy (AMR Based) in PT.PLN Distribution West Java and Banten (hal 1283-1289)
Author Anang Mawardi, Agus Purwadi, Pranyoto, Muhammad Firmansyah, Nana Heryana, Dadan Nurafiat;
Publisher Proceedings on the 2011 international conference on electrical engineering and informatics July 17-19 2011vo. 3 (Bandung Indonesia)
Lokasi : Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Nomor Panggil ID Koleksi Status
Tidak ada review pada koleksi ini: 45976
Automated meter reading system usually provided only for big customer energy meterinng. This paper discusses the verification of energy measurements under harmonics condition for three big customers connected to 150/70 kV high voltage and 20 kV medium voltage distribution networks of PT. PLN Distribution (a state owned electric untility company) West Java & Banten Area. Harmonic effect differ substantially depending on the characteristics of the affected devices, such as metering device. The electronic energy metering system generally provided with better capaility for measuring a non sinusoidal distored current compare to previous electromechanical energy metering system due to true rms feature measurement capability. However certain periodic verification still needed to check the accuracy of AMR system installed, especially under certain harmonic load condition exposed. The verification was done by comparing the measurement result from AMR system using EDMI MK6E with the measurement results from power quality meter topaz 1000, under synchronize time for certain duration during high load and low load conditions. The comparative measurement results show that energy measured by AMR system for the three big customers are still in their accuracy class range. Keywords: Harmonic effects, Power Quality, amr system, Energy metering , total harmonic distortion, true rms.