Library Automation and Digital Archive
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

Pencarian Sederhana

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Call Number SEM-372
Collection Type Indeks Artikel prosiding/Sem
Title Geneticm Algorithm for Optimizing FIS Tsukamoto for Dentral Disease Identification. Hal 345-350.
Author Triando Hamonangan Saragih, Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy, Yusuf Priyo Anngodo;
Publisher ICACSIS 2017 International Conference on Advanced Computer Scence and Information System
Subject Disease Identification, Dental Disease, Genetic Algorithm, FIS Tsukamoto.
Lokasi : Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Nomor Panggil ID Koleksi Status
Tidak ada review pada koleksi ini: 47374
Abstract- Teeth is one tool in the human digestive system that serves as a food destroyer for easy digestion. Diseases that attack teeth can inhibit this activity and ca not be identified rapidly by young dentist. This problem can be solved with identification system. This identification system uses FIS Tsukamoto in analyzing. Subjective function of the membership of this fuzzy then solved by optimizing the membership function produces optimal results from system using FIS Tsukamoto with the highest accuracy of 89% from 100 testing data.