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Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

Pencarian Sederhana

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Title A paterr-o;eianted framemwork for text processing and summariza and summariza
Author waleed al-sanie 1) ameur touir 2) and hassan mathkour 2) u;
Publisher Yogyakarta: Ostrreichiscbe Computer Gesellschall
Lokasi : Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Nomor Panggil ID Koleksi Status
Tidak ada review pada koleksi ini: 47788
severel factors make text processing a complicated task the diversity of languages, set of characters (charsets), algorithms, and techniquer that a specifle application may use increase the complexity of the design and implementation of such application in this paper we propose a paterrn oriented framewok for text processing in an effort to make the maintenance
Graph theory/Ronald Gould
Author: Gould, Ronald | Publisher: null