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Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

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Call Number KA-1457 (Softcopy KA-1445) MAK KA-1097
Collection Type Karya Akhir (KA)
Title Perancangan kerangka kerja network security operator center: studi kasus Kementerian Luar Negeri
Author Fitri Wijayanti;
Publisher Jakarta : Program Studi Magister Teknologi Informasi Fasilkom UI, 2021
Subject Information Security
Lokasi : Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Nomor Panggil ID Koleksi Status
KA-1457 (Softcopy KA-1445) MAK KA-1097 Ind TERSEDIA
Tidak ada review pada koleksi ini: 48634

Index KAMI assessment result, from year to year, state that the electronic system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are categorize as strategic. That if it fails, it will have a serious impact on the public interest, public service, business process of the state, or national defense and security. The monthly monitoring report of the Pokja Network Security Operations Center (NSOC) of Ministry of Foreign Affairs shows that the intensity of cyber-attacks aimed at the Ministry's ICT facilities is very intensive. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Data Center facility in Pejambon also experienced downtime with an average SLA of 97.23% in 2019. Strategic assets, high threat and vulnerability of services, made the Pustik KP as the management of ICT services in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs form the Pokja NSOC in charge of monitoring the availability of ICT services and information security in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, in its implementation the NSOC working group has difficulties in carrying out its tasks and functions due to the undefined NSOC framework which includes objectives, boundaries, business processes and data flow as well as optimal HR and technology support. In order to answer these problems, this research was prepared using NIST Cyber Security Framework. The research methodology used is Design Science Research (DSR) with data collection methods through observation, document studies and interviews. The result of this study is a draft of Network Security Operation Center framework that can be implemented at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.