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Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

Pencarian Sederhana

Variant of ranged global best in parallel modified niche PSO with flow of wind for multiple odor source localization problems in dynamic environments
Author: Wisnu Jatmiko; A. Nugraha; R. Efendi; J. Perkasa; B. Kusumoputro; P. Mursanto; A. Muis; | Publisher: Proceedings international conference on advanced computational intelligence and its applications (ICACIA-2008) University of Indonesia, Indonesia Sept, 1st-2nd, 2008
Ekonomi sumber daya mineral dan enerji/Widjajono Partowidagdo
Author: Partowidagdo, Widjajono; | Publisher: Jakarta PAU-EK-UI 1992
Performance on a bandwith constrained network: how much bandwidth do we need?, Hal. 906-915
Author: Bob Boothe; Abhirram Ranade; | Publisher: Proceedings supercomputing'93 Portland, Oregon November 15-19
Compiling frotran 77D and 90D for mind distributed memory machines, Hal. 4-11
Author: Alok Choudhary; Scema Hiranandani; | Publisher: Proceedings the fourth symposium on the frontiers'92 frontiers of massively parallel computation October 19-21, 1992/edited H.J. Siegel