Library Automation and Digital Archive
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

Pencarian Sederhana

Solstice backup 4.2
Author: | Publisher:
Simulation of natural gas EOS (Equation of State) investigation using Pengrobinson EOS, HAL. 940-948
Author: M. Farzaneh Gord; K. Moradi; R. Mohebbi; M.J. Maghrebi; S. Hashemi; | Publisher: Proceeding (ICETAETS 2008) of the first International Conf. on Emerging Tenologies and Applications in Engineering, Technology and Scieces, 13-14, January 2008(ICETAETS 2008)
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM/SIGOPS interprocess communications workshop March 24-25, 1975
Author: | Publisher: Santa Monica, California: The Association for Computing Machinery, 1975