Library Automation and Digital Archive
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

Pencarian Sederhana

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Call Number PA-0117 (Softcopy PA-0117)
Collection Type Proyek Akhir (PA)
Title Pemanfaatan user perception survey dalam kegiatan service level manaement: studi kasus PT BOC
Author Arismunandar;
Publisher Jakarta : Pascasarjana MTI, 2007
Subject IT-IL, Servqual ; Technic Q:ual++; User Perception Survey; Service Level Management;
Lokasi : Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Nomor Panggil ID Koleksi Status
PA-0117 (Softcopy PA-0117) TERSEDIA
Tidak ada review pada koleksi ini: 20879
Nowadays, the dependency of an organization on the Information Technology services is increasing dramaticaly. Information Technology is required by an organisation to reach its goals and business needs. This growing dependency leads to growing needs for quality INformation Technology services quality that is matched to business needs and user requirements as they emerge. Service Level Management as a part of IT Infrastructure Library is responsible for maintaining and improving Information Technology service quality. Service Level Management in it's activities always try to in line with business needs and cost justification. Service Level management is essential in any organization so that the level of Information technology service needed to support the business can be determined, and monitoring can be initiated to identify whether the required service levels are being achieved-and if not, why. In the organization where this study took placed, an activity named User Perception Survey is conducted regularly. The purpose is to capture the user perception of Information Technology serices provided. The result of this activity is analyzed and is used to create an action plan in order to increase the quality of services. Since there is no formal definition of the quality that is acceptable by business and users, and the difficulty of being focused on which services that need improvement, become two main problems of this UPS activity. In this Final Project, a different approach will be used in Service Level Management Activity. For the case where Service Level Agreement is not available, the User Perception Survey results will be used as a baseline for Service Level Management. Business acceptable level will be represented by user's perception level. The services acceptable by business are those which have a good user's perception level. A frame work such as SERVQUAL which defines quality in 5 different dimensions, and TechQual+ which is an extension of SERVQUAL designed for technology-services provider will be u sed in U ser Perception Survey activity. THe final result will be redirected back to the IT Infrastructure Library framework in order to increase the quality of services. Some suggestions for User Perception Survey activity will also be proposed, while still be in the corridor of IT Infrastructure Library, especially Service Level Management.