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Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

Pencarian Sederhana

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Call Number T-0523 (Softcopy T-0135)
Collection Type Tesis
Title Perencanaan strategis sistem informasi studi kasus PT. Perkebunan Nusantara V Riau
Author Riswan Effendi Tarigan;
Publisher Jakarta: Pascasarjana MTI UI, 2006
Subject Strategic planning; Information systems
Lokasi : Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Nomor Panggil ID Koleksi Status
T-0523 (Softcopy T-0135) 06/11096 TERSEDIA
Tidak ada review pada koleksi ini: 10344

PT. Perkebunan Nusantara V (PTPNV) is one of the BUMN companies which involved in the labor-intensive industry of plantation. The competition in this industry will become highly increase, since they have to face other plantation company, both nationally of globally such as Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand and other countries. At this moment, PTPN V have a big opportunity to increase the company and play the role in the global market. To support the superior competitive and continuity of success, PTPN V should have a good strategic planning. To undertake this business strategy they need information system strategic planning or optimally adaptable Information Technology. In the implemntation, PTPN V forced to work effectively in line with it's main task and function, an also efficient in cost, time consume and human resources. This highly demand of effective and efficient achievement caused PTPN Vto use many kind of Information Technology application (IT) to support their business strategy. However until now, based on survey conducted, the implementation of IT as a problem solver is not yet optimal. In Administration service sector, shown the in-efficient and in -effective of planning process, administration, finance, supply, equipment, and human development. In result in real-time. In order to solve this problem, the system should be support by highly efficent, accurate and consistent data processing. Meanwhile, the IT planning and processing still conduct by each unit in PTPN V, regardless to any portfolio or comprehensive guidelines. It leaks the units co-ordination. From these problems, this research conduct to examine many approachment to increasing business strategy in harmony with information strategy using IT optimally. As the result of this research, obtained one approachment of System Information strategic planning applied on PTPN V. This approachment is combination of Price Water HOuse, Tozer and James Martin method. From the result of this research, derived a trategic planing of adaptable Information System for PTPN V which can be made as a reference for IT development in the future.