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Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

Pencarian Sederhana

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Call Number T-0082 (Softcopy Scan T-0076)
Collection Type Tesis
Title Peranan perencanaan strategis teknologi informasi dalam pengembangan sistem informasi bisnis manufaktur (studi kasus pada perusahaan Astra Component Group
Author Sam Radjasa;
Publisher Jakarta: Pascasarjana MTI UI, 1998
Subject Perencanaan Strategis TI; SI Manufaktur
Lokasi : Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Nomor Panggil ID Koleksi Status
T-0082 (Softcopy Scan T-0076) 98/7972 TERSEDIA
Tidak ada review pada koleksi ini: 8347

Abstract:In the ideal business environment, information technologic strategic planning, will be conducted with the organizational, business strategic planning. Strategic integration and allignment between business vision and information technology planning will gain organization's solution of data and information requirements to suuport the decision making process at any level in the organization. Information technology strategic planning with the activities of developing policies and implementation plan is playing an important role in maintaining the strategic allignment between business and information technology strategy to ensure that the development of information system in the company will significantly system the corporate's objectives, improving the operational efficiency and effectiveness, and to build the foundation of organization's competitive advantages. Management information system in the manufacturing business is a system to be implemented accross the company in providing information to support its business process which start from the quantity of material requirement, procurement schedulling, material and inventory handling management, monitoring the personnel and machine performances, product costing, and up to the organization relationship with the suppliers and customers.The objectove and scope of this thesis is to analize, study and discuss the concern of information technology strategic planning, management information system concept and implmentation especially in the manufacturing business area, and the relationship between information technology strategic planning and successful effort of manufacturing information system development. Author will conduct a case study methodology which will be held in one company in the Astra Component Group and will be doing some analysis, research and explore the required data of the company as a reference due to accomplish the thesis.