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Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

Pencarian Sederhana

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Call Number SEM-352
Collection Type Indeks Artikel prosiding/Sem
Title Empowerment of eccoregions as the management culture of the organization D-7 - D-12
Author Setia Tjahyanti, Nurti Widayanti, Ian Nurpatria Suryawan;
Publisher Proceeding international seminar on scientific issues and trends (issit) 2013 "reforming transparency and accountability through development of e-gofernment" october 26th, 2013 academy of bina sarana informatika
Lokasi : Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Nomor Panggil ID Koleksi Status
Tidak ada review pada koleksi ini: 45139
Community economy activities that depend on natural resources but without damaging the natural resources named green economics, where the economy activities may take the from of mining activities, land use and other forest areas. by law no.32/2009 on the protection and management of the environment (UUPPLH), ecoregions defined as geographic areas that have the same charaacteristics of climate, soil, water, flora, and fauna, as well as pattern of human interaction with nature that decribes the system integrity of nature and environment. it is also governed by law no. 40/2007 on limited liability company in sections 74 subsection (1) requires that any company which is engaged in business that rely on the natural resources it reuired to carry out the social and environmental responsibilily. according to the explanation of sections 74 subsection (1) that the purpose of the implementation of social social and environmental respobility is in order to create a harmonious, balanced relationship and in accordance with the environment, values, norms and culture of the local thereby apply not only to companies rely on natural resources but also that business activities impact on the environment company. in this case cultural organization could help solve the problems of external adaptation and integration an oranization. this is accordance with the opinion of John R. Schermehorn and James G. Hunt (1993) that "the culture of an organization can help it deal with problem of both esternal adaptation and integration". all economic activities of organizations is relying on natural resource then should be based on ecoregions where every natural resource exploration activities must go througfh the stages of AMDAL. through empowement culture good organization and right, the can avoid about sense of basic constitution of the republic of indonesia the 1945 constitution , article 33 paragraph (3). pertaining to concept "state right of control" and " for oprtimal public welfare". which in operasionalalisasinya manifested in various act as : law no.5/1960 basic provisions concering pokok-pokok of agrarian affairs (UUPA), law no.41/1999 on forestry, law no.4/2009 about mineral and coal mining (minerba) and others with grouped under state land, forested country and others directly of indirectly reduce the right indigenous/local to benefit from natural resources concerned.