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Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

Pencarian Sederhana

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Call Number PA-0140 (Softcopy PA-0140)
Collection Type Proyek Akhir (PA)
Title Perancangan kerangka service level agreement dalam penyelenggaraan TI pada aplikasi korporat Global Purchase Order: s tudi kasus Perusahaan XYZ Manufaktur Sepatu
Author Firdaus Iman Santoso;
Publisher Jakarta : Pascasarjana MTI, 2008
Lokasi : Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Nomor Panggil ID Koleksi Status
PA-0140 (Softcopy PA-0140) TERSEDIA
Tidak ada review pada koleksi ini: 25459
The relationship between business users and IT Department in term of providing services is generally not base on SLA. In fact, the SLA can be used as measurement and standard of service level that needed by the business users such as availability and response time. Most important that SLA is needed for core and mission-critical application like Global Purchase Order (GPO) which is implemented by XYZ Corporation. Therefore, the mechanism and procedure need to be created to develop related SLA. This SLA development is concern to translate user requirement, survey and interview to capture specific user requirement, service architecture analyzing to identify whether SLA can be achieved, and business process analyzing to capture a big picture of the whole process running in the organization for doing business. The Final Project discussed the development of SLA to help implementation of IT service in the field. However, this project is not cover the implementation of the SLA itself. For further implementation, this SLA framework must be tested and evaluated with both party the service recipient and service provider to get maximum result and best suite with the organization. Keyword: GPO, service level, SLA, service provider, service recipient, availability. ix+52 pages; 11 figures Bibliography: 7 (2000 – 2004)